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priority application中文是什么意思

用"priority application"造句"priority application"怎么读"priority application" in a sentence


  • 优先权申请


  • Affinitize one port to several hardware numa nodes to serve a major priority application
  • B . associating a single port to multiple nodes to provide improved performance for a priority application
    B .将单个端口关联到多个节点以提高主要应用程序的性能
  • If you claimed priority , you need to state the name of the country or territory where the priority application was filed , the priority application number and the priority application filing date
  • Ringing tone playback & vibra activation application priority raised to ensure user notification about incoming call in case a high priority application ( e . g . game ) is in use
    铃声播放和震动提示优先级提高,以确保用户在进行一个高优先的程序时(例如游戏中)仍可使用。 (不会由于打游戏而不知道有来电或短信。 )
  • However , the interpretation of the standard clauses , the author considers to be specific cases , or contract interpretation apply general rules of priority or priority application , the standard clauses explain special rules , the judges have flexibility . section is on the judge to explain the mandate . although the rules of interpretation to the judges on the basis of analysis of the case law , but the rules are more abstract standard to explain the clauses of relevant laws and
用"priority application"造句  
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